The Association of Sri Lankan Engineers Australia (ASLEA) was formed in 1991. The idea to form ASLEA originated from a discussion between a few Sri Lankan engineers and now has grown to consist of over 500 members spanning all fields of engineering. Social events organised by ASLEA are a great success in uniting Sri Lankans of all ethnic groups. In order to create and maintain the professional network within the Sri Lankan Engineers we hold annual dinner dances and traditional 'Hoppers Night'. The funds obtained form these events are used to assist Engineering students in Sri Lanka through sponsorship programmes...


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Connect with ASLEA

In order to create and maintain the professional network within the Sri Lankan Engineers we hold annual dinner dances and traditional 'Hoppers Night'. The funds obtained form these events are used to assist Engineering students in Sri Lanka through sponsorship programmes.



Now ASLEA is also focusing on assisting the local engineering students to find employment through mentoring and networking. We extend our appreciation to all our sponsors for their on going support for the growth of ASLEA. We encourage you to become a member of ASLEA and be part of our network and enjoy our events and services.

Annual dinner dancesFamily nightsNetworking sessions

ASLEA scholarship program

One of the ultimate goals of ASLEA’s scholarship program is to contribute towards the development of a breadwinner for some of the very vulnerable families in Sri Lanka. The ASLEA Perseverance Scholarship Program commenced soon after the 2004 tsunami which devastated many families. Several engineering undergraduates have written very moving messages thanking ASLEA for supporting them during extremely difficult circumstances.

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