One of the ultimate goals of ASLEA’s scholarship program is to contribute towards the development of a breadwinner for some of the very vulnerable families in Sri Lanka. The ASLEA Perseverance Scholarship Program commenced soon after the 2004 tsunami which devastated many families. Several engineering undergraduates have written very moving messages thanking ASLEA for supporting them during extremely difficult circumstances.

SLEA is fortunate, and pleased to celebrate and rejoice the mutual corporation and respect that prevails between the students, University Authorities and ASLEA. This partnership could be regarded as an excellent example of dedicated and devoted team work to achieve a better future for those who need it most. ASLEA wishes to thank all the sponsors, advertisers and donors and members for their significant contribution.

The President and Executive Committee for 2016/2017 are very pleased to inform all our members and sponsors that the following Engineering Undergraduates have been chosen for the next round of ASLEA Perseverance Scholarship Program commencing 2017/2018.

E D G J B Senanayaka, TM I Udara, R P M Weerasena of University of Peradeniya and D J Piyumal Dalpadadu, K P Sajith Dilshan of University of Ruhuna

We wish the families and the undergraduates a very successful future.



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